There are different indexes and scales to detect and measure Gender Based Violence, some from which include economic abuse.
Several bodies and authors have developed scales and indexes of gender-based violence, which allow professionals in different fields (law, psychology, social work) to detect these attitudes and behaviours, and to implement measures and plans to prevent and handle it. Nevertheless, not all these scales include economic abuse, and others address it superficially or a rather unspecific way.
For instance, the Abusive Behaviour Index (ABI) created by Shepard & Campbell (1992) is a questionnaire with 30 items, among which some questions regarding economic abuse can be found. On the other hand, the Survey on Economic Self-Sufficiency used by the Women’s Employment NetWork (WEN) and developed by Gowdy & Pearlmutter in 1993 is a scale with 15 items that asks on the women’s capacity to address economic tasks in a specific period.
Other measures that include elements of economic abuse are the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI) developed by Tolman (1999); or the Domestic Violence-Related Financial Issues Scale (DV-FI; Weaver, Sanders, Campbell, and Schnabel, 2008).
From this date on, other authors such as Adams & collaborators (2008), developed the concept of economic violence, as a form of gender-based violence with specific signs and elaborated specific scales to detect and measure it. These scales, later revised and validated by Postmus, Plummer y Stylianou (2016) . These scales have been the basis for the research that is being carried out in our project and deserve a deeper analysis, that will be published in upcoming posts.
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