The Research Institute in Social Welfare Politics (POLIBIENESTAR) is a public research institution belonging to University of Valencia (UVEG), which is in addition an international reference specialized in research innovation and social technology, technical assessment and training in the field of social policies.
Enrique Devesa Carpio, PhD in Economic and Business Sciences and Professor at the department of Mathematics, Financial and Actuary Economy of University of Valencia. He is part of the Research Group Pensions and Social Protection of University of Valencia, and the Research Institute Polibienestar of University of Valencia. He has expertise in the study of public and private pension systems. He has participated as an expert for the Comission of Pension System Reform in 2013, coordinated projects at the national level and published several research and divulgative papers in the field of public and private pension systems.
Jorge Garcés Ferrer is a Full Professor at Universitat de València and was Príncipe de Asturias Professor at Georgetown University, Washington DC. Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, was lecturer at Innsbruck University inAustria and at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He has been a visiting researcher at Washington, Oxford and Cambridge universities.
As a researcher, he is developing his research in Polibinestar research Institute (University of Valencia). His works have focused on comparative European social policy, especially on ageing and social innovation and on the efficiency in long-term care policies in Europe.
He has been the senior researcher or a member in research teams in near 100 projects and research public contracts at regional, national and international level. He has participated in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs at the Spanish Parliament as an expert and also in different committees at the European Commission.
He is the author and co-author of 25 books in Spanish, Valencian, German and English. He has taken part in 200 national and international conferences related to the design, managing and assessment of public policy, particularly of social policy.
Silvia Prieto has a Degree in Information Sciences, Advertising and Public Relations, by University Cardenal Herrera CEU in Valencia. She has great experience at marketing, corporate communication and public relations at big private corporations. In the public sphere, she has developed different projects on awareness and citizen education.
She’s Superior Research Technician at Polibienestar Research institute of University of Valencia and she develops the transfer knowledge from the institute to the market, specially to the public administration, private sector and tertiary sector. She has also been a teacher at the Advertising and Public Relations degree in ESIC Business & Marketing School.
Robert Meneu Gaya, PhD in Economical and Business Sciences and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics for Economy and Business of the University of Valencia. He is part of the Research Group Pensions and Social Protection at the University of Valencia, and the Research Institute Polibienestar of the University of Valencia. He has expertise in quantitative analysis of public and private pension systems, and during his research, he has analysed the gender gap through different adequation indicators of pensions. He has participated in several projects and published research and informative papers in the field of public and private pension systems.
Mar Devesa Carpio, PhD in Economic and Business Sciences and Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Financial and Actuary Economy of the University of Valencia. She is part of the Research Group Pensions and Social Protection and a member of the Research Institute Polibienestar, both at the University of Valencia. She develops her research activity in the analysis of public and private pension systems and has published extensive research and informative papers in the field of public and private pension systems.